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Embrace Your Inner Calling: A Reminder to Listen Within

Embrace Your Inner Calling: A Reminder to Listen Within

Photo by Adria Berrocal Forcada on Unsplash

Dear Reader.

I hope this message finds you healthy and thriving. As we navigate the currents of life, I wanted to take a time to share an idea that has been ringing in my mind, and I feel it will also connect with you.

The fact that you come to see pleasure and fulfillment as something that comes from outside your work, may indicate that you're on a path that isn't in line with your actual nature. It's easy to get caught up in the routine, clock in and out, and lose sight of what actually nourishes your spirit.

Have you ever noticed how quickly time seems to fly by when you engage in particular activities? In those moments, you're more than just working; you're emotionally invested in what you're doing. It's a resonance, a deep gratification that transcends the fleeting pleasure of a salary. As you reflect on your personal path, examine what brings you joy and contentment, and what activities allow time to fly by.

I will not propagate the mantra "do what you love" or suggest turning every hobby into a business. Instead, I encourage you ask a different set of questions. As John F. Kennedy famously stated in his inauguration address, "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." What can you do to serve others? What are you naturally good at that could bring value to humanity? This journey is not about finding an easy path; it is about beginning on an adventure, experiencing hurdles, and learning from the experience.

Increased disengagement in your current career, inability to detect changes or trends, and confusion in important decisions may indicate a lack of true inner direction. Working just to pay the bills, especially if it makes you unhappy, is equivalent to selling your soul. It's a compromise that permeates every element of your life, influencing your well-being and even how you treat others around you.

Remember that you have only one life to live. Hours spent on a job that gives you no satisfaction are hours you can never get back. Take a minute to listen to your inner voice, discover your passions, and realize your unique contribution to the world.

Life is too short to merely exist. Seize the opportunity to live truly, aligning your actions with your true vocation. As you travel your journey, may you discover the confidence to make decisions that will bring you fulfillment and joy.

I wish you a journey filled with self-discovery and purpose.

Warm regards,

Leo Moko

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